Fair season is in full swing and with that comes junior livestock sales. As a product of youth livestock programs, I can proudly say that funds from those junior livestock sales are a big part of what put me through college. Below I have a few reasons why you or your business should consider purchasing animals from 4-H and FFA youth.
These youth have put countless hours into their project. The sale at the end of the fair is a culmination of all that hard work. From early mornings feeding and exercising animals to late nights practicing their showmanship skills, these kids are dedicated. Why wouldn’t you want to reward their hard work by buying their animal?
You can put a face with the dinner on your plate. The big push seems to be to buy local. Buy purchasing an animal from 4-H or FFA members; you’ll be able to know who raised the animal, and if you buy from someone like I was when I was younger, you’ll know the animals life story as well.
Even if you don’t want an animal to fill your freezer, there are other options.
Many fairs will offer you the opportunity to resale the animal at a local auction. If your really in the giving mood, some fairs have options to donate and resale the animal through multiple funds such as a scholarship or barn fund.
You can help youth with multiple endeavors. As I said earlier, selling market animal projects at the fair helped me get through college. Other youth might use the money to help buy a car or their next livestock project. Some might use it to build their herd or flock.
The most important reason is that you’re supporting our agriculture future. You’re supporting the youth that will go out and help feed the world. So I encourage you to venture out to the county or state fair and talk with these youth. Get to know them and their livestock. You’ll be glad that you did.